12/24/04: Milkblood is gone, alas. But in his wake many new songs are appearing on the site. Explore as you will. Or just listen to this one.

NOTICE: Mesler vs. Mesler will be appearing live CHRISTMAS EVE at the Mountain. This is a rare opportunity. Make sure to tip the bartender, because the band gets a cut.

We've been reading the new Neil Young biography. It's gripping but not so great. Still there's a lot of great Neil quotes about the recording process, highly pertinent to the Pruess Press project. Neil says -- 'Cinema verite? I got into audio verite..... Hey, I've made records where you analyze everything you do 3,000 times and it's perfect. I'm sick of it. I want to make a record that's totally stark naked. Raw. I don't wanna fix any of it. I don't care if it's totally out of tune, man, let's play. Fuck it.... I like the idea of capturing something. Record something that happened. I'm a musician. I don't wanna sit there and build a record. I built a couple of records. Big deal. Tonight's the Night doesn't care. And that makes you feel good about it. There's no pretense.'